After all, as every entrepreneur knows, it’s not enough just to have excellent merchandise. The public needs to recognize its value and be attracted to buy it.

That is, far beyond factors such as price, quality and niche of activity, it is essential to plan what will be the best actions to win the interest and attraction of customers.

To give you an idea, around 30,000 new products are launched every year, with 95% simply failing in terms of market acceptance.

The data is from a publication of the portal Inc. and reinforce the importance of the launch strategy so that good ideas are not wasted when “put to the test”.

But, after all, how to succeed in product launch marketing ? Discover the most important details on the subject below.

Launch strategy: how to prepare the ground?

Regardless of the situation, every new product launch requires pre-planning prior to market introduction.

In this sense, it is necessary to have a full understanding of the item in question, the benefits it brings to consumers and the main needs it is able to meet.

Based on this analysis, actions are defined that will communicate to the public the value that the product can add to their preferences and demands.

Therefore, to prepare the ground and ensure the best possible acceptance of the solution to be launched, the launch strategy needs to contemplate some requirements. Are they:

Market research

First of all, you need to understand the market in which the product or service will be inserted. For this, it is not enough just to observe the current scenario. It is also essential to be aware of its variations and seasonality, having a solid base on what to expect in the long term.

You must understand what people’s view of this market is. Check out what they like most about it and what aspects are not popular.

Also, understand your growth or downturn potential and where your product ranks in relation to competitors.

Another important issue is to analyze what are the strengths and weaknesses of the competition. Based on them, define the differential of your solution in relation to those already offered in the segment.

Understand the niche

In addition to the market as a whole, turn your attention to your specific niche. At this stage, strategic planning needs to know what opportunities and gaps in the area will be explored by the new product or service.

A good exercise is to search for direct competitors on the internet. Check the information and offers that are lacking in relation to certain specific needs of your audience.

The idea is to have a complete view of the segment, its bottlenecks and main demands. With this, you can invest in innovations that better serve and satisfy the audience.

Define the buyer persona

Speaking of understanding your audience, don’t forget about personas. The creation of persona consists in the elaboration of a semi-fictional profile of the customer that would be ideal for the new product.

To do this, conduct demographic research and interview consumers aligned with your business profile. Based on this data, describe a “character” with its own characteristics, tastes and needs.

This character will be the persona of your launch strategy . All the marketing created should “talk” to her, taking into account her pains, preferences, tone of voice and other characteristics that guarantee a better alignment for communication.


Before starting the new product launch , you need to create a sense of anticipation. In other words, marketing actions must communicate the “novelty” to be released in advance, so that people can prepare for it.

The objective is to motivate consumers’ expectations. Weeks before launching a product, start publicizing its benefits, differentials and value proposition.

When people realize that “soon” something new will hit the market to meet their preferences and solve their pain, it creates “anxiety” for the product that drives their initial sales.

Post launch

After the anticipation period, the release is made. This is the phase in which the campaign is actually broadcast, inviting consumers to purchase the new product.

As you can imagine, this does not mean that efforts are over. In fact, the launch strategy , at this stage, is even more important to guarantee the product’s market performance and its acceptance among customers. Check out:

Meeting expectations

It is not enough to build a relationship and engage the audience. Above all, your brand must deliver what it promised.

This doesn’t just mean selling a product or service in line with what was described in the marketing. It is essential to invest in after-sales.

In other words, it values ​​​​a continuous relationship with customers. Get great support, collect feedback, ask questions and ask for reviews.

This is the best way to increase shopper satisfaction. Plus, you gather inputs to improve your marketing and drive even more launch results.

Inbound Marketing

Customers should remember you whenever they want to buy something in your niche. Also, remember that a portion of the audience is not yet ready for the acquisition.

So, try to nurture, inform and prepare your personas. This must be done in a set of channels, with blog content, newsletters , social networks , paid ads, etc.

Imagine that the product launched is management software for small businesses. Many entrepreneurs may be researching management on the internet right now, but some of them still have no idea that they need the system you sell.

Inbound marketing is all about harnessing this potential. By preparing, answering questions and solving people’s problems, your brand generates trust. At the same time, you “feed” the audience with what they need to know until they “realize” that they need your product.

In the software example, you can create a flow of automations to explore the differentials of the launched system. When defining the cadence for sending the emails and

By crafting a strategic CTA to guide the lead’s journey, you create the perfect path to the raise.

Still in the launch stage, you can create a landing page with a trial with tips for the lead to get to know the software. At the end of the trial, the “bait” will lead to a sequence of contents for the person to explore the benefits and differentials of the tool. Along it, CTAs to talk to an expert or to hire the system can be presented.

Regardless of your consumer journey, this is a way to support your launch strategy. After all, leads will stay on your base. With this, you can approach them at times that are ideal for the sale.

Metric analysis

The success of your launch strategy cannot be determined by your team’s intuition. As everyone knows, measuring results and analyzing metrics is critical.

Therefore, the monitoring of marketing indicators must be constant. It will determine the strengths of the campaign and what needs to be adjusted or what can be optimized.

In addition to tracking stock ROI and new product profitability, analyze your sales channels, audience buying patterns, customer feedback, and other points that help your brand better align with audience preferences and demands.

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