The concept, which concerns how much consumers recognize a company, is essential for any business that wants to ensure a good positioning in the market.

Of course, making your online presence stand out in such a crowded environment may not be an easy task, but it is imperative to grow and thrive in the digital age.

But what exactly is brand awareness ? Why is it so important to ensure good brand recognition on social media? How to create a successful recognition campaign in these media? Find out below.

What is brand awareness (or brand recognition)?

The term brand awareness can be translated as “ brand recognition ”. That is, it concerns the familiarity of the consumer public with the positioning of your company .

More than representing how much people know a brand, the concept also concerns how much it is present in their lives.

In this sense, there is also the identity factor. That is, how much customers identify with your products and values.

Unlike other marketing concepts , brand awareness cannot be measured in numbers. After all, factors such as identification and recognition are more subjective.

However, it is common for it to be analyzed with the support of other metrics. Together, they contribute to the vision of brand awareness.

This can include a series of indicators, ranging from mentions on social networks, reach of posts, engagement of publications, interest in research, positive comments, etc.

It’s about trust and reputation

Even though some marketers work on quantifying brand awareness, it represents much more than a simple metric.

With the convenience offered by the digital universe and the growing number of companies operating in it, consumers are becoming increasingly demanding.

With just a few clicks on the screen, people have hundreds of thousands of content and offers at their disposal.

In this context, the companies that stand out are those most aligned with the tastes, desires, needs and pains of customers.

In other words, to thrive in today’s market, it is essential to build a relationship of trust and maintain a solid reputation.

In this sense, the main objective of brand awareness is to be present in the public’s life and to be remembered whenever someone needs something that your brand can offer.

The more the audience identifies with your company’s values, the greater the chances that they will prefer your solutions at any stage of their consumption journey .

Effective brand awareness also makes customers advocate and recommend your brand to others. In addition to a matter of remembrance, this is a factor of admiration.

How important are social networks for brand awareness?

As you can see, with good brand recognition, your brand becomes the topic of conversation, the target of recommendations and the “center of attention”.

If in the past companies had a natural reach among people through “word of mouth”, today this is done through comments, shares, likes and other online interactions.

When we talk about this type of contact and exchange of experiences on the internet, the first channels that come to mind are social networks.

This does not happen by accident. These networks are already part of any individual’s life, routine and even relationships. In fact, practically all businesses already recognize the importance of positioning themselves in them.

Thanks to the proximity that social media ensures to consumers, they are among the most important tools for strengthening brand awareness . With them, your company can:

  • Create higher levels of brand engagement, as you can interact with users at every stage of their journey;
  • Capture new leads, since the company’s content is more easily found by people who are interested in what it covers;
  • Get organic recommendations, as it is enough for someone to mention a brand or interact with it on the networks for their friends to see it;
  • Promote content, which can be shared from other channels to social networks and increase its reach to new audiences of interest;
  • Sharing experiences, something that can be done in a few clicks by users, guaranteeing the authority of those who were shared.

These and other possibilities reinforce how social networks offer the perfect setting for better brand awareness .

After all, relationships, interactions and exchanges are inherent to this type of media. That’s all your brand needs to be remembered, spread your values ​​and win people’s trust.

How to create a strategy?

Check out the best tips to get your recognition campaign right and ensure a prominent position among your audience:

Pictures say more than a thousand words

In the crowded world of social media, you need to grab people’s attention before winning them over with your content.

People are most attracted to visual appeal, and it should be present in all your posts. It doesn’t matter if you post a news story, copywriting , e-book or whatever. Associate the material published with good arts and gain prominence to address the audience.

Voice tone

Relationships only exist if they are humanized, whether in person or online, for example on Instagram or Facebook. Therefore, the way your brand “speaks” is decisive to create true bonds.

Brand voice makes this possible . It assumes that you must understand your audience, the way they communicate with each other, and then adapt your entire approach to this “personal” pattern of communication.

Influencer marketing

Remember when we mentioned “word of mouth” recommendations? They work because customers trust more products and services that are recommended by others.

On social media, this can be adapted to influencers. Millions of people follow them and follow what they have to say. By creating partnerships, your authority is leveraged for posts to recommend brands, products and services.


Creating content is one of the most powerful ways to generate brand awareness. Through it, your brand reinforces to people that it is worth following what you post.

For this, a good editorial calendar adds value to the user, whether by answering their questions, informing them or solving their problems. More than offering utility, the calendar reinforces the commitment to the public and increases the company’s authority in the area in which it operates.

The consumer journey has changed. More than ever, companies need to understand how they behave and what experiences they want.

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